Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Idol Fever.....

Tonight the 10 women left performed......i would love to say that "Miss Thang" Brenna Gethers will be booted....but i don't think i will be so lucky....


Please get rid of these two....and these are officially my picks for the axe this week.....




again as far as i am concerned they are lucky to have made the top 100....

tomorrow the boys......Yes even Ace!

well well well

I swear that at the time i wrote the comments about our American Idol Twin I had no clue she had already been in Maxim!! and i know damn near everything ;) ( Thanks Ali!!)

Tonight the 10 remaining girlies preform- I shall comment after the show....

Friday, February 24, 2006


ACE, ACE, ACE......

I think that Ace will go far in this competition mainly because of his looks ( i think Chris Daughtry is hotter), i think that the George Michael song was a great song for his voice - but i dont think that he is an exceptional performer at this point......i am keeping in mind that there has only been one night of performances so i will keep my opinions posted ( ya i know that's a shocker)

Thankfully for Ace his fate is being left in the hands of the American Voters, who seem to value good looks over talent or knowledge....

we shall see.....


Ok, so round one of the cuts have been made....is anyone shocked?

Let's start with:
Bobby- I am not sure about any of you but i am not shocked. Bobby is the guy you want to have a beer bong with and invite to your Karaoke birthday party- sorry dog- wasn't feeling it!

Patrick- I am not sure that pounding out a Melissa Etheridge song on opening night is a choice i would have made as a man- but cudos for getting up there, i think that Patrick was lucky to have made the top 12 in the first place and will now be invited to be the leader of a youth choir- good on ya Patty!

Becky- let's face it she is hot, AND HAS AN IDENTICAL TWIN SISTER!! if Maxim or Stuff doesn't call Becky i would be shocked!! Maybe even Hef!

Stevie- this one i have trouble with - she is the only one of these 4 i feel is really talented, and it is a shame that she picked a crappy song- in my opinion- Stevie is not out of the music business for long.

Now I soooooo appreciate the comments on my blog on this topic-keep em coming......

so in response-

When i picked my 2 finalists it was tough, i love Paris and Elliot and think they should also finish in top 4....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My 2006 American Idol Final 2 Prediction .....

My Prediction Chris Daughtry and Katharine McPhee- good luck guys.....

Please let the record show i issue this predicition before the first "cuts" tonight they are cutting 2 men and 2 women from the 24....
Please share your thoughts....

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


So as it turns out Pam Anderson is boycotting the Kentucy Derby because of cruelty to animals.......

i only have a few thoughts on this one......please feel free to leave you comments.....

1. Pamela Anderson is from Vancouver, what does Kentucky care about her anyway....
2. What does Pam suggest the horses do instead?........elmer's glue? i think that 9 out of 10 horses would choose the Derby.
3. Pam should stick to what she knows......wait...what is that???......oh yes implants and "home videos"..... and....uh....nevermind that's all i got......

Monday, February 13, 2006

ahhh Valentine's Day......

So here i find myself in a catch 22....

i don't want to be loved and spoiled just because it is Valentine's Day and a holiday tells my boyfriend he should, but yet i do want to know that i am loved and face it i am still holding out for the rock.....

I want to devote this blog to teaching men and women to spoil your significant other on a nothing day....an unbirthday of sorts. I think the biggest problem in relationships ( besides the obvious of cheating and money trouble) is that we take each other for granted - we dont stop to think how much that person means to us, and that we should show them any chance we get....it is love apathy if you will.
Why shouldn't we tell our companion as many times as we like that we love them, or that they have nice eyes or they smell great? you think that they should just know.....well i think that is shit.....no one ever has said ( with the exception of those who have had an obessed ex- or a stalker) you know we broke up because he showed me love and told me lots- NEVER.

so to those of you who have a love of your life- show it.
to those who dont- it will come to you when you are not looking....

Happy V Day to all

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Now it could be that because i am a proud owner of a "Boston Terrier" that being asked every time someone approaches my dog "is that a PUG?" annoys the crap out of me.....or it could be the utter ignorance of everyone that walks by thinking they are so smart naming the breed before i do, guess what DUMMIES, a boston terrier is black and white ( sometimes red and white ) they are not a light tan color, second the body and bone structure is totally different- pug's look like someone kicked them in the ass and it stayed.....they look NOTHING ALIKE.....what the eyes? Jesus!
what i am saying is, i dont expect everyone on the street to know what kind of dog i have- but if you DONT know, dont guess for the love of god, just ask "what kind of dog is that" and i will kindly respond " She's a boston terrier" to which then they would respond with " a boston boxer?" NO A BOSTON TERRIER...... ah F%#$ it, yes she is a Pug.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Lipo Schmipo

Although there was a time I really truly wanted to get Liposuction i realized yesterday that Lipo can kiss my ass- so can the doctor that offended me with failing attempts to make me question my self image more than i already do and convince me take the plunge under the canula.

So over the last 2 years, I gained 40 pounds partially due to the "Depo" birth control shot, and partially because i started a "desk job"- then wallowed in my own self pitty, So joined weight watchers, lost 28 pounds, and am on the home stretch....so this is where i get a little angry....

Yesterday i went to the dermatologist to talk about my skin issues and to answer my nagging questions about Lipo, so he addressed my skin issue by telling me that he could fix it for a small fee of $1800+gst, and that my face would look like i had the shit kicked out of me for about a month- really realistic.....
So then to quell my nagging thoughts, and Christmas and Birthday wishlist item- we addressed Liposuction- i guess you could say that i put myself to the mercy of the "beauty" doctor so it serves me right, however maybe they should add a TACT class to the course requirements of Dermatology- he asked me to life my shirt to see my stomach ( the only real area i would want done).....and he says to me, well if we took some out here (big tug at tummy) and then more off of here ( two fisted tug at hips)...THEN he says you would look good.....***gasp*** was he serious? did he actually just say that with a HUGE emphasis on THEN? so i responded with " i am going to try to get down as much as i can on my own and then if i am unhappy then i would consider it" i mean after all it WAS a consultation, he reponds once again with a sigh " you aren't going to get ANY smaller than you are now"

I could not believe in the 2 minutes he was in there, he had made about $5000, and managed to shoot down my hopes of having soft beautiful skin- and made a point of telling me how i would look SO MUCH BETTER without my hips and walked out of the room to let his Roadie take over.....

So Thanks Dr......thanks to you the motivation i had been lacking due to the plateau of weight loss has suddenly re-appeared. Cant get smaller than i am now? WTF i was smaller than i am now, and thanks to your lame ass attempts for me to spend $7000 to make myself look so much better- F%$# IT, and F%$# YOU- i am going to do it the old fashion way- sweat,and hard work- then i think i will look much better but not thanks to you or my $7000.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

my eye is infected......

So i am spending a sick day at home, lucky me you say? No.....not in this case. I have an eye infection- i have been getting them since i was a kid, they are not "catchy" or "pink eye" as everyone seems to diagnose them to be....

I have a disease called Viral Conjunctivitis, it is a disease of the eye- it is something that remains dormant most of the time, but when it flares up ( as far as i can tell it is brought out by stress or being overtired much as a cold sore) it is one of the most painful things i have ever, and continue to experience. It starts with an itch, then my eye becomes sticky, then really sore, then it feels like Rotten Johnny threw sand in it, and with every blink or turn of the eye, it scrapes.....and then my personal favorite i wake up with it glued shut- which is when i nicely ask Mike to get me a warm cloth so that i can moisten ( barf) my crusted eye, and once again allow it to open. It is not fun and i truly would not wish it on anyone.....this is not a "fun" sick day.....my highlight has been being able to watch Ellen.....Oh and i forgot my eye is blood red the whole time, and swollen- kinda hard to mask with makeup- really what i'm saying is it makes me miserable.....grrrrr.

Just wanted to share a little piece of Bree on this fine Humpday, and looking at myself in the mirror with my puffy, red, oooozing eye- it probably wont be Humpday for me, so good luck to you all....