Monday, February 13, 2006

ahhh Valentine's Day......

So here i find myself in a catch 22....

i don't want to be loved and spoiled just because it is Valentine's Day and a holiday tells my boyfriend he should, but yet i do want to know that i am loved and face it i am still holding out for the rock.....

I want to devote this blog to teaching men and women to spoil your significant other on a nothing unbirthday of sorts. I think the biggest problem in relationships ( besides the obvious of cheating and money trouble) is that we take each other for granted - we dont stop to think how much that person means to us, and that we should show them any chance we is love apathy if you will.
Why shouldn't we tell our companion as many times as we like that we love them, or that they have nice eyes or they smell great? you think that they should just know.....well i think that is one ever has said ( with the exception of those who have had an obessed ex- or a stalker) you know we broke up because he showed me love and told me lots- NEVER.

so to those of you who have a love of your life- show it.
to those who dont- it will come to you when you are not looking....

Happy V Day to all

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