Ok now i am just putting this out there, and i am going strickly on what i have heard, i do not have founded evidence on some of it, so if you would like to comment and inform- please do so, i also value opinions - this is why I choose to blog......
I have always known that great minds think a like and as i planned this blog in my head, then checked my friends blog's i see that it is true.
I talked to Amy this morning about my discovery regarding the new Dixie Chicks song "Not Ready to Make Nice" much like her i thought it was about a jilted lover etc.....
As i listed further i realized that it wasn't about a Love at all, no it was about the man the Americans call a Leader "Mr. George W.Bush" comments were made by Dixie Chicks front woman Natalie Maines a few years back (2001 i believe) that stated and i am paraphrasing here "I am embarassed to be from the same state (Texas) as George Bush" and were instantly condemned by the American People and radio stations soon followed suit, they were slagged everywhere: radio, tv, magazines. They issued a public apology- but that was not enough.....

But like Amy i respect the fact they have NOT backed down on their position on George Bush and his eternal search for WMD'S and his stand on War in general.
Now here is where i get perplexed.
Kanye West can on National Television, during what i believe was a telethon for Katrina victims, say is no uncertain terms "GEORGE BUSH DOES NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE" and what do they do?? Well they promote his song Golddigger even more- Naturally.

for the record i will continue to support the dixie chicks for their raw talent and values....
the Lyrics:
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
I’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep paying
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I know you said
Can’t you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like it
I made my bed and I sleep like a baby
With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’
It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they’d write me a letter
Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
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