Good or Bad, I usually have something to say - Take it or leave it.....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Nothing like AMERICAN IDOL to spark a Blog....
From the beginning of the Auditions, i enjoyed Sundance however his "Knights in White Satin" tonight almost made me poke my eyes out...
Here are my inital Fav's from the Guys....
"Chris R"
"Blake the Beat Boxer"
Who the fuck calls their kid Sundance? I mean seriously. I hope to god it's a nickname of some kind, otherwise his parents need to give themselves an uppercut. Maybe his real name was Richard or something, and that's why he changed it to Sundance.
Who the fuck calls their kid Sundance? I mean seriously. I hope to god it's a nickname of some kind, otherwise his parents need to give themselves an uppercut. Maybe his real name was Richard or something, and that's why he changed it to Sundance.
Who the fuck calls their kid Sundance? I mean seriously. I hope to god it's a nickname of some kind, otherwise his parents need to give themselves an uppercut. Maybe his real name was Richard or something, and that's why he changed it to Sundance.
Who the fuck calls their kid Sundance? I mean seriously. I hope to god it's a nickname of some kind, otherwise his parents need to give themselves an uppercut. Maybe his real name was Richard or something, and that's why he changed it to Sundance.
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